Problem Description
- Find out the thermal comfort inside the room with air inflow temperature at 13 degree Celsius.
- Solving a problem using transient simulation with time interval of 0.1s.
- Tracking a temperature changes at centre point (2,1.5,1.5 coordinate point in meters) of the room with respect to transient time.
Flow Domain 4m*3m*3m with no load
Computational domain and Aircon Meshing
Centre Point Location to track temperature changes
Aircon Dimension & Flow properties in detail
Flow Boundary Condition
Transient Temperature Contour at different time step at plane Y=1.5m
Transient Temperature Contour at different time step at plane Y=1.5m
Transient Temperature Contour at different time step at plane Y=1.5m
Temperature Changes at Centre Point (X=2,Y=1.5,Z=1.5)
List of files result files attached in mail
Excel sheet
- Time series files at center point location temperature changes.
Animation File
- Temperature changes with respect to time from 0s to 100s.
- Streamline of flow path.
- Vector flow direction at plane Y=1.5.
Future Work or Suggestions
- Transient simulation need to be carry out to attain thermal equilibrium condition (Need to calculate further more number of time cycle).
- Transient simulation with load conditions as per the customer requirements. (For example presence of windows, door, ventilation, furniture etc.,).
- Find out the hot spot zone within the flow domain will help us to improve the aircon performance.
- Include humidity presence in the air also can be perform for betterment in aircon performance.